Gunner's first grooming apt. here in Japan! It was great the woman came to our house and groomed him in our dinning room. Gunner didn't seem to mind, even though she kept talking to him in Japanese and he couldn't under stand her,

Here is a close up of Gunner getting
groomed. He was really good for her and I was able to get dinner done and clean the house while she was here with him. It normally takes me 3 hours to groom him so I was so excited she came to do it for me!

Oh he hates having his face shaved, but he was a big boy! I had to laugh though b/c she just kept talking to him in Japanese and Gunner was probably thinking what in the heck is going on here????!!!!

Gunner all groomed and feeling good about him self! The groomer even put a
camo scarf on him when she was done! Now he has his baby and is eating some goodies for being good!

Josh thought he looked cute so he was getting ready to play with him and I got this cute picture of them together. I love this picture it makes me laugh every time I see it. Deep down they both are best buddies and do everything together. Who would have thought?!

Here is Gunner getting ready to get his baby Josh is getting ready to through. he loves playing hide and go seek with his toy. Josh hides it and then Gunner spends a good while trying to find it but when he does he shakes the crap out of it! It is too funny at times.
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