This is the pack and play we got for the new baby. It is 3 in one and I love it. This is the changing table which can be taken off when we do not need it any more.

The pack and play put all together, thanks to Josh!

bassinet which will be used a great deal. It came with a built in night light, it vibrates, and it plays music if you want it too! Personally I think this is going to be a great investment once the baby
gets here!

Josh trying to figure out how the darn thing works!

He finally figured it out and is adjusting it to fit him so he can try it on! He is going to make a great Daddy:)

Yes Josh one more thing to put together. He did it though and didn't complain one time. We got a baby swing I have been eyeing up since last year, before I we were even thinking of getting pregnant,

Josh put the baby swing together and Gunner jumped up with his baby and wouldn't get out of the seat. The funny thing is when I would go and try to get him out he would growl at me. If you ask me I think we are going to have some adjusting problems when the baby gets here!
HAHAH:) Gunner thinks he is the baby.

Here is the proud Dad to be!!! He put all the baby thing together with no problems! Look at that smile, he is getting more and more excited to be a daddy and it is great!!

Yes, I am trying to organize things up a bit, and everyone says I have
HAHAHA:) I love everything we have for the baby so far and we both are getting excited as time moves on and nervous also. I think we will make great parents though!

Alright everyone, here are the belly pictures you all wanted to see. Here I am at 12 weeks. I am starting to show and yes, I have to be in
maternity clothes! It is so cute though b/c Josh loves to touch my belly and every time he looks at me he just smiles, who would have thought this big army guy would be such a softy, that is why I love him!

There is another picture for all to see my belly. We will try to keep everyone posted on my belly size every month. It will be
interesting to see how big I get by next month.

Yup there he or she is! We find out in 8 weeks if we are going to have a boy or girl!!!!! Josh is looking forward to that doctors visit, well we both are I am not going to lie,
Abby LOVES your new toys for her -- um, I mean your new baby!
Congratulations!!! Baby stuff already? Wow, you two are GOOD!!!
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