Look at how cool this moth looks. We thought we would take some pictures to show you some different weird bugs they have over here in Japan. When it is on the ground it looks just like a dead leaf!
Here he is up close, we like to refer to him as, "The Moth Man" HAHAHAHA:)
We thought this was a dead leaf at first then when we went to touch it, it flew onto the hammock. It was then we realized it was a moth not a dead leaf. If you could have seen our faces!
Hi guys! This is Julia, I'm just sitting here with Jeremy and your mom and dad in Vancouver. We were hoping to Skype with you but I guess some other time. I hope everything is going well in Japan for you guys!!
Hi guys! This is Julia, I'm just sitting here with Jeremy and your mom and dad in Vancouver. We were hoping to Skype with you but I guess some other time. I hope everything is going well in Japan for you guys!!
oh yeah i should double check is this your skype account: j_k_schell
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