The start of our visit to the Imperial palace. Mom, Kyle, and Dad are
soooo excited!

One of the gates at the Imperial Palace, they were getting ready for guard change.

Here is one of the birds they have around the palace, isn't it beautiful? Then again I think this is what we call a P
igeon,, hahaha:) Needless to say they kept Kyle busy! lol:)
Yup, the birds sure did keep Kyle busy, the sad thing is he all most caught it! HAHAHA:) At least he can go home and say he had some fun in Tokyo!

Kyle in one of the parks close to the palace.

Kyle enjoying the day with the family, what 12 year wouldn't enjoy a day with his family?????

Kyle pulling out the peace sign for his picture, giving the peace sign is a very popular thing to do among the Japanese when they pose for a picture.

I guess the peace sing is becoming popular among the Americans in pictures as well! LOL:) Well at least Dad is trying to make it popular, hahaha:) Gotta love him.

Josh and I having fun getting out and seeing Japan

Josh is just so excited to be a daddy, he sure does love to hold my belly for pictures! HAHA:) I guess I will let him enjoy it while he can it won't be long before he will be holding the baby instead hahahaha:)

A cool picture right outside the Imperial Palace. There were all of these tall modern buildings and then this small building just so out of place. It looked as though it might have been a church from a long time ago. Not sure though.

The outline of the city right behind the palace in Tokyo.

Just another backround picture in Tokyo. It really was a pretty day.

The creek that runs through the Palace. There was a beautiful bridge that goes over the creek but it wasn't open to the public to go on, so we took pictures instead!

The gate guards were changing shifts and I thought it would be neat to get some pictures of how they go about exchanging places. This would be step one...

This is step two.....

Step three....

Step four..

Step five....

Step six......

Step seven, oh my gosh all of this just to change shifts???? Are we alnost done yet? Nope

Step eight.... It is about time they are done and now the new guys are on duty for god only knows how long! And that my friends is how the Japanese gate guards change shifts! Aren't you glad you learned something new???? HHAHAHAHA:)

Josh and I at the infront of the bridge that we were not allowed on.

Josh and I again at the bridge I loved the backround! It was a beautiful place to visit!

Kyle enjoying the backround as well, hahahaha:)

Josh and I enjoying time with the family.

Mom and Dad infront of one of the buildings infront of the Imperial Palace.

Kyle looking good infront of the building. Yea I am going to be honest we have no idea what this building was used for. The windows were all closed up, but we thought it would look good to take pictures infront of! LOL:)

Josh and I infront of the same building. Well we all wanted our pictures taken infront of this mysterious building. Can you blame us look at how good we all look standing infront of it! HAHAHAHA

Here we all are throwing out some peace signs, Mom, Mom, Dad has the camera over here. Oh well it still turned out to be a great picture and a great day!!!!!