We have Josh here all excited to try his raw fish roll. If you could have seen his face after eating it though! That was priceless. He did everything he could to keep it from comming back up again. LOL:) It wasn't as good as he was expecting.
Here I am trying out the rice balls, not knowing wht to expect I just took a little bite. To my surprise they were really good.
Josh and I went out and bought our first Japanese dinner from a store not to far from zama Base. The long sticks with what looks like ball on them to the far left, those are rice balls with a honey glaze over them. You warm them up and they were so good. In the middle you will notice Josh's food of choice raw fish! He didn't like it as much as what he thought he would! To the right we have geoza which in the states are called "pot stickers" they were great and then behind everything was just different meats cooked in different ways on sticks. They were different but good.
Here is a side shot. The luggage rack helps provide aerodynamics.
This is our speed demon, it's not fast but it sure does get up to 15 KPH quickly. It is a Nissan Wingroad.
We are new to this site but we wanted to be able to add photos so you guys will be able to see our adventures thus far. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did taking them. This is the first photo we took after getting off the plane, and as you can see the traffic is horrible and on the wrong side of the road?